Sunday, December 7, 2008

Nearly there!

I'm counting sleeps till we move in (seven to go). Visiting is fun, but we always have to leave again... :o(

Today we got two out of three light fittings up in the boys' rooms - we discovered that compact globes don't fit them, and a rummage in the kitchen cupboard only unearthed two of the old standard globes. Neither of us wanted to make another trip to the shops, so the third will have to wait.

Bike Boy managed to put up our heated towel rails with no problems at all. I actually commented that it was all going far too smoothly and that was scaring me. Something always goes wrong when we attempt DIY stuff. But there are no extra holes in walls, the rails are straight and exactly where I wanted them and they work. Well, one does.... we need an extra power point for the ensuite one. Yeah, that was an oops in our electrical plan....

This is the kids' towel rail. Ours is a monster 11-rail one:

The toilet roll holders that I was so gleeful about getting online for a steal though - those turned out to be made for skinny toilet rolls. Or something. Whatever the reason, there isn't space between the wall and the spindle for a standard dunny roll. I'm peeved because I really liked them, they were very stylish. Yes, I know.... it holds toilet paper, but who says a utilitarian object can't also be stylish? Now I'll have to go in search of something else, dammit!

This photo lies!

Our letterbox is painted and has numbers on it. Now we need to wait for Number One Son to get home from work so the three of us can lift it into place. It's a heavy bastard. Gee, who'd have thought something made of concrete would weigh a lot?

I've painted ours in Colorbond Ironstone, to match the garage door, front door and spouting:

Other than that, I did a lot of vacuuming and scraping, so the floors are all ready for the carpet later in the week. We also picked up all the offcuts of flooring, a ton of cardboard and plastic packaging and general rubbish that's accumulated since handover. And we carted several boxes and bits and pieces over, just to get them out of the way here and to give us a few less things to move later.

Now I need a massage and an early night.


  1. LOL about Bikeboy and skirting boards - Mr Petal is also anally retentive about that , so we upgraded , too(I think ours are 92mm) .

    Love that letter box - can imagine it looking superb in Ironstone ;-)

    Were you at the Sussan 'Fun' Run today???? I WAS!!!! (10km) Oh, I need a massage and an early night, too!!!

    Only 7 more sleeps? Woo-hoo - not long at all!!! About 13 for us!

  2. Mmm....planned to do the Sussan run, but house stuff kind of got in the way, so no go. Good for you though! I'll be checking the fun run schedule for February, I think.

    I'm waiting for some floor photos from your house. *taps foot impatiently*

  3. Floor will be finished Wed night - photos after that :-)

    Sussan FR was over by 9am ;-)
    Run For The Kids reg opens soon - that's in April! I like the ones that donate to charities, rather than just making a profit!

  4. I like the charity runs too - I always do the Mothers Day Classic. I might have considered today's run, but St Kilda is a LONG drive for me, and we went out last night for my an early start wasn't all that attractive.


    Next time!

  5. Nice fittings Kek, I've been looking at the same letterbox.

    So the toilet roll holder arm doesn't move? It's fixed to the top part? Shame as it's looks really nice.

    How was your drive on the new driveway?

  6. No, the stinking toilet roll holder is fixed. What a stupid design! If it just swivelled, there'd be no problem.

    The driveway works just fine though. :o) And so does our letterbox - we had (junk) mail today!

  7. nice. by the way we've got the same letterbox! yes it is heavy! still waiting for someone to come and gimmi a hand from the garage.
